See how easy to shop online from Australia, China, Malaysia, Taiwan and Japan ship to your doorstep with EABOGUO

We can ship to over 220 countries worldwide from each warehouse

Features of our warehouses

1. Sign up

Sign up with EBAOGUO and get your address for free

2. Shop online ship to us

Shop online at your favorite stores or send from local post office to your EBAOGUO address

3. Submit your parcels

Submit your parcels when you get Email, we also offer extra services for the parcels

4. Paid and Sit back

Paid and sit back as your items are shipped to your doorstep

Step 1 Sign up for free

Sign up and get your EBAOGUO Australian Address with your unique Suite ID

  • Registration Phase: You will need to provide your name, email address, and mobile number for registration. This step is crucial in setting up your personal account, which will facilitate the upcoming procedures.
  • Suite ID Assignment: Upon successful registration, you will receive a unique Suite ID. This Suite ID serves as your unique identifier for your packages throughout the forwarding process.

Step 2 Shop in any Stores and ship it to your EBAOGUO address

Please check Prohibited and restricted Items before shopping online.

Inputting Shipping Address: Please enter our warehouse address as your shipping destination. This step ensures that your packages will be processed at our facilities.

Package Pre-Alert: After your seller has shipped your packages, it’s recommended that you create a package pre-alert in our system. Upon arrival at our warehouse, this allows for more efficient and accurate processing of your boxes.

Package Arrival Notification: You will receive an email notification upon your packages’ arrival at our EBAOGUO warehouse. This notification keeps you updated about the status and whereabouts of your parcels.

Package Inspection and Processing: Upon receiving it at our warehouse, we will inspect your package’s content to ensure everything is okay. We will take photographs of the outer box, weigh the package, and measure its dimensions. 

*. If you require us to verify item quantities, inspect the quality, or take additional photographs, you can select these services from our list of additional services. This ensures we meet your needs and provide a personalized and efficient forwarding service.

Step 3 Submit all packages in “My Parcels”

By filling out a shipping address and a customs declaration form

Step 4 Get Payment done, and wait your items

We will process your packages after your shipping request is submitted.

The final Billing summary will be emailed to you once we’ve packed your packages.

Once payment is received, we will dispatch your packages on the next shipping day.

We currently support 4 ways to pay

Australia Dollar (AUD)

Bank Transfer (Common Wealth)

Credit Card



Malaysia Ringgit (RM)

Bank Transfer (UOB)

Online Banking

Credit Card


Singapore Dollar (SGD)

Bank Transfer (DBS)

New Zealand Doallar (NZD)

Bank Transfer